Buildings | Medieval Dominion

Tier 1 Kingship buildings

Please note that these images/videos are subject to change and are in the pre-alpha/concept stages without terrain improvements and with Standard Unity Render Pipeline.

The barracks trains; Scouts, Footman, Maceman, Pikeman, Knights, Paladins, Crusaders. Building a stables unlocks the knight. "Garrison Barracks" ability stores combat units when going offline. Garrison Barracks can be used once every 10 minutes, cannot be used if under a siege timer, There are 6 occupancy slots per barracks. Only combat units can use the barracks to "rest". Garrisoned units count towards overall population and will still affect the upkeep. Siege Fortified Armor. Limit 3.

Farms produce 1 food every 30 minutes and only 20 farms may be built concurrently. Knighthood players can destroy crops outside of scheduled siege times, so make sure they are well protected. Players must purchase wheat seeds before they can plant. A peasant must be present at the farm in order to plant seeds. Fortified Armor. Limit 20.

Increases food storage by 20. One granary allowed at tier 1. Two granaries allowed at tier 2. Three granaries allowed at tier 3. Four granaries allowed at tier 4. Fortified Armor.

Unlocks towers, archery range and is a lumber drop off point. Fortified Armor.

A weak gate. Reinforced Armor.

A basic defensive tower. This will automatically attack any enemy within range. Reinforced Armor. Maximum of 16 towers.

A basic defensive structure. Reinforced Armor.

Tier 1 housing provides 4 population. All housing types provide a place for kingship units to rest and recover. Tier 1 housing has 1 occupancy slot. Units can be stored in houses when offline. Rest removes fatigue and quickly heals units. Fortified Armor.

Reduces fatigue of friendly(affects allies) kingship units within 40 meters by 1% every 10 seconds. The application of fatigue is paused if the unit is within the vicinity of the well. Knighthood players can gather water from the well and it increases their mana regeneration while in the vicinity of the well. Fortified Armor.

Tier 2 Kingship buildings

The archery range produces the archer, crossbowman and ranger. Fortified Armor.

Provides a strong place to store rare items. Only 1 can be built at a time and has limited storage. Allied knighthood players can also store their items here. Siege Fortified Armor.

Weapons and armor can be produced for kingship units here. Once those items are created you will need to transfer them into the inventory of the desired unit. Allied knighthood players can also use the blacksmith to create items. Fortified Armor.

Trains the cleric. Can hold 1 holy artifact. Prayer can be used onve every 1 hour to gain 2 alignment. Fortified Armor.

The drawbridge can be attached to blocks and must be placed in first person peasant mode or by a knighthood player. Siege Fortified Armor.

Smelts iron ore into iron ingots. Fortified Armor. Limit 10.

A defensive tower. This will automatically attack any enemy within range. Siege Fortified Armor. Maximum of 16 towers.

When the kingship player uses the Kingdom's Evacuation ability, the troops that make it through the portal are returned here. Limit 1.

Kingship and knighthood players can sell and purchase items here. Players can see all listed items, but can only purchase items that were listed at that specific tradingpost. Kingship players can access other player's tradingposts by sending a S.P.A.R.C. or a peasant to purchase items from allied or neutral tradingposts. It is advised to place this building outside your walls so that other players can access it. Siege Fortified Armor. Limit 1.

Trains the wizard. Only 1 active wizard allowed at a time. Fortified Armor.

Produces the S.P.A.R.C., battering ram, trebuchet shot, hay bales and at tier 4 the workshop unlocks the trebuchet in the peasant build panel. "Garrison Equipment" allows for the storage of 5 mechanical units. Fortified Armor. Limit 1.

Allied knighthood players can respawn here if they so choose to. 4 occupancy slots for Kingship units. 5000 health. Fortified Armor.

A basic gate. Basic Siege Fortified Armor.

A cheap but weak block. 280 health each. Basic Siege Fortified Armor.

A sturdy block. 280 health each. Siege Fortified Armor.

Tier 3 Kingship buildings

A defensive tower. This will automatically attack any enemy within range. Siege Fortified Armor. Maximum of 16 towers.

A prerequisite for the knight and paladin. Fortified Armor.

Upgraded from the furnace. Smelts iron ore into iron ingots and smelts iron ingots into steel ingots. Fortified Armor. Limit 10.

A strong gate. Siege Fortified Armor.

Tier 3 housing provides 10 population. All housing types provide a place for kingship units to rest and recover. Tier 3 housing has 2 occupancy slots. Units can be stored in houses when offline. Rest removes fatigue and quickly heals units. Fortified Armor.

A strong block. 420 health each. Siege Fortified Armor.

Tier 4 Kingship buildings

Trains the cleric. Can hold 4 holy artifact. Prayer can be used onve every 1 hour to gain 2 alignment. Fortified Armor.

A very strong block. 560 health each. Siege Fortified Armor.

Primary Buildings

Trains peasants and houses the relic. Siege Fortified Armor.

Trains peasants and houses the relic. Siege Fortified Armor.

Trains peasants and houses the relic. Siege Fortified Armor.